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来源:杨凌农交所时间:2014/11/7 13:54:43打印收藏


      绿地笔克会展中心位于西安市高新区唐延南路4号。建筑总面积为三万平方米,室内展览面积20000平方米,可容纳近1000个国际标准展位。10000平方米大型户外活动广场,19个组合灵活的会议、宴会及活动厅室,可容纳20-4000人,功能齐全的VIP接见厅、董事厅及新闻发布厅。是举办国际性、地区性及全国性的展览、会议、企业项目、文化及社交活动的最佳场地。绿地笔克会展中心有美国Global Spectrum担任专家顾问,严格按照国际专业会展场馆国际管理标准及无误要求来营运,愿意为客户提供全方位的专业体贴的配套服务,以“一条龙“的服务方式使客户有宾至如归的感受。

      西安绿地笔克国际会展中心(绿地笔克会展中心)由中国著名房地产发展商上海绿地集团及在亚洲区国际会展业居领导地位并于香港上市的笔克集团合资发展。场馆由香港笔克集团负责管理并聘美国Global Spectrum担任专家顾问,严格按照国际专业会展场馆管理标准及服务要求来营运。

      除了向各类展会和活动的主办者提供场地租赁服务之外,绿地笔克会展中心还利用香港笔克集团的全球市场资源与其他主办者、政府机构、不同行业协会及专业机构等合作合办、承办及管理会展活动。更愿意以“一条龙”的方式为客户提供人性化、个性化的全方位配套服务。绿地笔克会展中心经验丰富的会展管理团队,充分掌握会展活动致胜之道,诚意为客户妥善筹谋, 达致目标成果。

      Xi'an Greenland Pico International Convention & Exhibition Center

      Xi'an Greenland Pico International Convention & Exhibition Center (GPCEC) is jointly developed by Shanghai Greenland Group , a leading property developer in China and Pico Group, a regional exhibition and convention industry leader listed in Hong Kong. GPCEC is strategically located in Xian's new CBD and is about 20 minutes' travelling distance from the Bell Tower at the old city center.

      GPCEC is a key infrastructural landmark with an adjacent 4-star Greenland Holiday Inn Hotel, Its total built-up space of 30,000 sqm includes 4 exhibition halls one 4000 pax Convention Hall and 10 meeting rooms which are ideal for hosting international, regional and national exhibitions and conventions, corporate events, cultural and social activities. GPCEC is professionally managed by Pico Group according to international standards and good practices wth Global Spectrum (USA ) as the Specialist Consultant.

      Besides renting space to organisers of exhibitions, conferences and events, GPCEC, backed by Pico Group's global network, is well-positioned to manage and co-organise exhibitions, conferences and events. The venue is fully geared to offer organisers a turn-key service package. At GPCEC, we are committed to offering our clients the highest standards of personalised service and support. We are well-experienced in hall management and know what makes your events successful. Our dedicated staff would be very happy to help ensure your activities achieve targeted results.


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